Author and Influencer Spotlight Series - Sign Up
When I embarked on this blogging journey, I had no clear vision of where it would lead.
I knew two things: I wanted to dive into more books and shine a spotlight on the hidden gems in the world of literature. It felt a lot like the music industry. Back in 2016, I created a blog to promote small bands and singer-songwriters, always dreaming of expanding this spotlight to other creative realms. That blog gained traction, but a new job in the music industry pulled me away from that dream.
As the years have passed, but the desire to support creative talent never left me. Now, I've decided to rekindle that passion, this time focusing solely on the literary world, just as I always wanted.
As June draws to a close and my work ramps up for a bustling fall season, I’m excited to introduce a new series that celebrates both seasoned and emerging authors. These writers, who tirelessly create new worlds for us to explore, deserve recognition. Alongside them, I’ll also highlight the influencers who passionately spread the word about these incredible authors.
Starting in August, I will be launching the Author/Influencer Spotlight series. Through interviews and chats, we’ll explore upcoming releases, delve into what inspires these creative minds, and get to know the brilliant individuals behind the books. Join me in discovering the next wave of literary talent!
If you are an author or an influence that would like to be apart of this new and exciting program, please fill out the form below.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us at